After 3 months on the continent, I’m contemplating the things that Ive gotten used to/ the things that drive me a little crazy / and the things that make me say “Only in Africa” (Which probably isn’t entirely true, however necessary for literary purposes.)

I am used to getting up by six a.m ,if not earlier, because bedtime comes early here. The stores are generally closed by seven p.m, including the grocery stores. I did manage to find one open until eight, but in an area I would have preferred not to be in. This combined with the school day finishing at 2:50 means that dinner happens a whole lot earlier then at home . The sun sets around 7 :15 and its just not a good idea to be out and about after dark, so we are often in bed at 9:30. The upside to this is that I’ve re-ignited my love of reading and also spend more time hanging out in the girls bedrooms.

I am surprisingly comfortable driving on the other side of the road and I’m getting used to people that standing on the very narrow shoulders , or in the middle of the road, selling their wares. I can look someone who is begging in the eye, and not end up in a pit of despair.

We have become quite proficient in removing spiders, millipedes, lizards and toads from inside the house . I am not used to and will never be used to the 1.5 metre Cape Cobra that is hanging around the hood 😳 Nor am I up to dealing with Baboons as many of my neighbors have! Last year was particularly bad and two of my friends had Baboons get in and destroy their kitchens. Apparently it takes a good week to get rid of the smell ! Needless to say the open air concept comes at a price. Thankfully there is something called “Baboon management” and they can be seen regularly patrolling the area with paint guns. The “rat tat tat” one might normally associate with certain death, has become “baboon management is busy today”.

Not only is the wildlife diverse but the community as well. Out of my window I can see the American Consulate, the most prestigious Private School in Capetown, a private museum, and Pollsmoor prison ! Pollsmoor is a maximum security prison which can accommodate 4336 prisoners…it has over 7000. Nelson Mandela did a stint there. I’m good with being across the street from it… unless Baboon management is particularly busy🤔 then it gets a little nerve wracking.

Speaking of crime, I am NOT used to the news and have stopped looking at it. There are too many headlines that are the stuff nightmares are made of. Then there’s the Darwin Award winning criminals, like the ones who hijaked the delivery van full of our school uniforms 😂 Wonder how the resale was on that?!?

I am comfortable with hiking in the mountains…we always have several people , dogs , sprays and tasers with us . Recently there was an attack on 4 hikers in an area we had just visited. They were stripped, tied up, robbed and left … all I could think of was “Lord please dont let anyone strip me!!!! ”

You know crime is a problem when salespeople “cage” certain expensive items that you have selected , then present them at the cashier to be released, I have had medication , scissors, and cosmetics all locked up.

Howzit? ( how it is going) Lakkar ( good , great, nice) Just now or now now ( means later) Hectic (as in “that shirt is hectic” cool ,desirable) Bru ( friend, homey) all fall into the “only in Africa “ category and something I’m used to. I have even managed to get the “click” down pat when pronouncing Xhosa words.

What I can’t get used to and intensely dislike ( wait for it) … the smell of the paper products! The tissues, paper towel, paper straws and cardboard has the nastiest aroma. You wouldn’t think that should be a problem, unless you want take away. Pizzas that would be otherwise mouth watering are rendered unconsumable by the smell of the cardboard that permeates them. Weird ! I’m such a princess!

While I’m on the topic of food and things I cant get used to…I have trust issues with the spices, seasonings, sauces and dressings. There is such a different palate here! When they say spicy… what they really mean is “get the camera ready for some YouTube worthy reactions”. The pre- mixed seasonings don’t list the ingredients so you have to guess what Braii rub is like , or what to expect from peri peri seasoning . I have enough challenges in the kitchen already!!! Good thing there are plenty of fantastic food markets…as long as they dont serve en cardboard 😜

Speaking of which, we are off to the Friday night market for some dinner and live music. That I am very comfortable with!


P.S The photo is an African Leopard Frog ,close to extinction but hanging out with the Quinns.

I do

I do

Reality check

Reality check