My tribe

My tribe

One of the very best parts of moving to Capetown has been finding my new tribe. As Ive mentioned before it has come quite easily, especially by being part of the American International school and the community it offers. Ive always enjoyed reading the “Humans of New York”, if you are familiar with it then you will know that it is about ordinary people and their extraordinary stories. Well living in this community is a lot like that. Some names have been changed to protect identities.

There is a member of a Royal family who swears like a trucker and looks nothing like a princess ,she cooks ,cleans and drives herself everywhere, and loves Halloween like no one else I know. As a former missionary, Danita spent 14 years living with Pygmies in the jungles of the Democratic of Congo… until it got too dangerous 🤔. We are still trying to convince her not to wear flip flops on our 4 hour hikes. Bibi, who while growing up in Mali, uncovered a plot by the cook and the electrician to ‘off ‘her whole family and steal everything they owned. She’s now a successful jewelry designer and recently relocated here from Paris. Tansy’s husband was a reporter for ‘News of the World’ owned by Rupert Murdoch. He was thrown to the dogs during the infamous “ eavesdropping on the royals” scandal and spent several years and untold lawyers bills trying to clear his name of wrongdoing, meanwhile Rupert skipped across the pond to join 21 century fox. Victoria’s husband is with the secret service…which isn’t really a secret, nor is it Victoria’s Secret , but apparently their foreign service department is in charge of protection of American diplomats and ex pats living abroad. He ( name changed 😎) is nearing the end of his 6 year term as Chief of all security for Americans in Capetown which is no small feat! Then there’s the ‘woman’ who drove her toddler and 2 friends into a gang riddleded township in her Range Rover. Are you surprised they got shot at?!?! Finally Charlotte, the most gentle soul Ive met, lived in Uganda for several years in the communities as well as cities, raising her family and serving God. Their family has been such an inspiration to us, and the wisdom and insight into African culture they have shared with us …invaluable.

This has been a snap shot of just some of the people in my daily life , now imagine Sean , Avianna, Joelle and Marlos tribes, and you can begin to understand how colourful life here truly is.

From my tribe to yours,


P.S The photo in the beginning is Marlo’s grade 5 Halloween celebration, can you spot her?

Reality check

Reality check

Observations from 11 weeks in

Observations from 11 weeks in